L. Skinner- "Ellezilla goes to Japan!" (mysky.net)
A biocomic about Miss Skinner's visit to Japan. Funny and informative! The dialogue is extremely true to the kind of idiolect that can form between two friends, and feels very intimate and genuine. somehow, with spare illustrations and vignetted events, Miss Skinner creates a convincing sense of place.
Miss Skinner shared a table with a friend (Jeanne from the comic? the glasses were right) and they were funny and charming. They were accidentlycompletelycoincidentallyandwithoutplanning wearing the same "Harry and the Potters" shirt, which made them look like a team. Very accidentallyprofessional. Miss Skinner said she would be at ApeCon, and i will definitely look for her there, because she and her friend are really fun to be around.
Greg Means- "Papercutter issue 9" (tugboatpress.com)
A biocomic by Aron Nels Steinke about mysterious house happenings, illustrated in an appealing, roundly linear style- fun and engaging. A series of strips about a skull and a frog thing by Elijah Brubaker. A ghost story by Helen Jo. Papercutter is a way for Greg Means to showcase work by his favorite comix artists. Papercutter is great.
Clutch McNasty- "Clutch #21" (splitbook, with Invincible Summer #17)
Both halves are biocomics about people working in comics fields. Clutch works at Guapo Comics in Portland, as well as editing comics and collaborating with other writers. Neat Groeningesque linework, funny and fascinating. I was vicariously successful for the duration of this zine. Thumbs!
Ohmygosh i met the guy who edits "Papercutter." Ohmygosh!
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